Wednesday, April 29, 2009

strange dreams

I'm not one of those who remembers their dreams each night, but I've noticed that I've had an awful lot lately. And they are getting strange. With just a little over two months to go, I expect that they will be appearing with more frequency.

Last night I dreamed I was in a crowded movie theater. I got there just after the movie started and I noticed there were no aisles. I had to hurdle several rows and shove past people in order to get to an empty seat. Finally, after all of that I realized the picture was in Italian with no subtitles.

I've been awfully busy lately with homework. I was also able to throw out quite a bit over the weekend. Not as much as I'd like but it is a start. The next step is to ask around and see if I can unload some of the bigger items on some friends and family. Anyone need any antique Swedish bookshelves?

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