Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Wow, it has been a heckuva week.  Busy, busy, busy.  And before you know it, we'll be on our way to the States for a couple of weeks.  I can't promise many updates from there but we'll see.

In the meantime today is a big day around here.  If you're here, you already know.  It is 11/11.  Karneval.  For those not in the know, the festivities begin today at 11:11am.  Get it?

So what is Karneval?  I am not too sure to be honest.  I was here once for Karneval two years ago and I can tell you what I saw.  Drunks.  Lots and lots of drunks.  Most in funny costumes which makes it all a little more entertaining.  There was beer bottles all over the place.  More than you could imagine.  And yet, everywhere I looked, people were wheeling around trolleys full of more cases of beer.

So, as far as I can tell, Karneval is pretty much the equivalent of Mardi Gras in New Orleans or (obviously) Carneval in Rio.  Although there's a big blow out today, the main celebration is in spring just like Mardi Gras, and it lasts about as long.  So why today's celebration?  A friend in the States told me his opinion.  According to him it is all very German: today the Germans celebrate that they can now begin to plan for a celebration in the spring.  Today is the beginning of the Karneval season which ends with said spring celebration.  In between today and next spring, serious committees will be planning the festivities.  Although it is roughly the same every year, this is apparently serious business.  Lest you think my friend was doing a little too much stereotyping, I asked my teacher why the celebration in November.  Her answer: because we can now start getting ready for next spring. 

Here's a little more background on the festivities.

And here's a video that tries to explain Karneval as well.  Not sure if that goal was accomplished, but you get a pretty good idea of what it is like around here.  If you're planning on coming over to visit in the spring, plan according to your tolerance for public displays of drunkenness.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an old Halloween costume to dust off...

Viva Colonia.mp3

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