Monday, November 9, 2009

Where were you?

Today marks the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  1989.  I was just 13 years old.  There was no way I could possibly comprehend the impact of that event.  I only remember being told that this was "really important" as we watched the news together.  With the build up to the anniversary, I've been fascinated reading accounts about that day.  If you get a chance, take some time to read up on it too. 

The New York Times has an amazing reader submitted interactive photo guide. The captions are as interesting as the photos.  Don't worry, there's local sources, too.  German magazine Der Spiegel has plenty in English as well as Deutsche Welle news.  DW also features a lot of radio and video reports in English.

Here's another reason to remember today.  Hopefully this doesn't get lost in all of today's reflections, too.

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