Not everything around here is completely foreign to me.

Sometimes it is the context that makes it foreign. For example, this field behind the S-Bahn (subway) stop I use to go to school most mornings:

Sometimes it is the context that makes it foreign. For example, this field behind the S-Bahn (subway) stop I use to go to school most mornings:

The tepee is a real head-scratcher. We're pretty far north of the city center. And there's certainly a lot more open space around here. But seeing a pretty authentic looking tepee in an otherwise empty field... well, that's not something I expected to see.
As for the first picture? Don't expect a review anytime soon. I have it from a good authority that the food is, as the locals might say, "nicht so gut." Regardless, those of you who know me know I'm not a big steak person anyway. Still, I've been here a few times before and each time we've passed that restaurant I couldn't help but stare at it out of curiosity. It is located close to the Dom so it is nearly impossible not to stumble across it. After I took this photo I decided to finally go inspect the menu for myself. Nothing out of the ordinary for a steak place. On closer inspection, however, I found that the menu posted was actually a menu for Farmer's. (Note the name of the Italian restaurant they own!) I've seen several Farmer's restaurants all over town. So it appears to me that the Chicago Steakhouse is really no different than your average Sizzler. Suspicions confirmed.
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